Quickly sync two nestable sliders in Bricks Builder for WordPress.
function initSync() { initTimeout = setTimeout(syncSliders, 50); } function syncOnResize() { resizeTimeout = setTimeout(syncSliders, 260); } function syncSliders() { const main = bricksData.splideInstances['47db29'], thumbnail = bricksData.splideInstances['636b7b'] if( main && thumbnail) { main.sync(thumbnail) } clearTimeout(initTimeout); } document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', initSync) window.addEventListener("resize", syncOnResize)
{ "type":"slide", "direction":"ltr", "keyboard":"global", "height":"auto", "gap":10, "start":0, "perPage":"3", "perMove":1, "speed":400, "interval":3000, "autoHeight":true, "autoplay":false, "pauseOnHover":false, "pauseOnFocus":false, "arrows":false, "pagination":false, "focus": "center", "isNavigation": true, "updateOnMove": true, "breakpoints":{ "580":{ "perPage":"2" }, "320":{ "perPage":"1" } } }
Extra tip from Maxime Beguin in Bricks group: For use with multiple sync sliders, give your main and thumb sliders classes and use this JavaScript instead of the one above
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // Query all the wrappers const wrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.sync-sliders-wrapper'); // Stop the function if there is no sync slider if (wrappers.length < 1) return; // Init function let init = (mainSliderId, thumbSliderId) => { const main = bricksData.splideInstances[mainSliderId], thumbnail = bricksData.splideInstances[thumbSliderId]; // stop the function if the both sliers instances doesn't exist if (!main || !thumbnail) return;; // Mount the sync slider main.sync(thumbnail); }; // Loop into each wrapper wrappers.forEach(wrapper => { // Set the ID's of sliders const mainSlider = wrapper.querySelector('.sync-sliders-main'), mainSliderId = mainSlider.dataset.scriptId, thumbSlider = wrapper.querySelector('.sync-sliders-thumb'), thumbSliderId = thumbSlider.dataset.scriptId; // Run the function on load setTimeout(() => { init(mainSliderId, thumbSliderId); }, 0); // Rerun the function on resize because bricks reinit the sliders on each resize event window.addEventListener("resize", () => { setTimeout(() => { init(mainSliderId, thumbSliderId) }, 300); }); }); });
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Hello Cracka, is it also possible that there is an offset between the main slider and the thumbnails. I want to place the sliders next to each other and create the illusion that the thumbnail on the right slides in to the main on the left
You could try playing with the transition delay of the slides in the thumbnail slider.